Richmond Resiliency Hubs

Iron Triangle Revitalization and Beautification

April 30th is National Rebuilding Day, and this year we’ll be celebrating with a day filled with fun and food.  Rebuilding Together East Bay-North (RTEBN) and a group of enthusiastic partners including council member Gayle McClaughlin are committed to the Revitalization and Beautification of the Iron Triangle. Over the next 2 years, a series of grants will provide the funding to help end neighborhood blight in the Iron Triangle, build out the Nevin Community Center Resilience Hub, and construct tiny homes through our workforce development plan for our unhoused neighbors. 

Collaboration between the City of Richmond and RTEBN will provide workforce development opportunities to unsheltered residents via the grants. RTEBN is centered on training and employment in constructing, staffing, and outreach regarding the cooling structures at the Nevin Community Center. In addition, we’ll be working with the City and local faith-based organizations to curb the blight in the Iron Triangle.  RTEBN’s Executive Director, JW Frye, ”Some have called the IT (Iron Triangle) the Forgotten Neighborhood. Over the next 2 years, RTEBN and our partners intend to keep this community front of mind.”

Festivities will begin at 10 am at Nevin Park with remarks at 11:30 am from our partners in revitalization, Gayle McClaughlin and other local dignitaries. Food at noon. We’ll have one of our tiny homes on display! In addition to our regular programming for low-income seniors performing home repairs, we’ll also be introducing our new program Gateway program providing Senior Empowerment Planning.

In addition, we will be unveiling local initiatives to add a tech training hub for seniors and youth, cooling tents in public spaces during the summer heat, and a trash clean-up and anti-illegal dumping campaign.  All of these programs include workforce development opportunities for unhoused residents to earn a paycheck while cleaning up and improving their own neighborhood.

Rebuilding Together’s mission is to bring warmth, safety, and independence to our neighborhoods by revitalizing homes and neighborhood facilities. Our vision is safe homes and communities for everyone.

10 Homes for Repairs

Rebuilding Together’s Safe At Home Program makes high impact safety repairs to low income homeowners from Berkeley to Richmond. If you are in the Iron Triangle, feel free to apply to be one of our 10 homes to receive repairs over 2 years!

The Safe Parking Sites Pilot Program

The Safe Parking Sites Pilot Program would create opportunities for safe and secure places for car and recreation vehicle dwellers to park and sleep, reduce the number of people living illegally in their vehicles on City streets, decrease enforcement actions and resulting legal costs to homeless individuals, and provide resources to secure permanent housing and economic stability. The scattered safe parking sites pilot program would allow a variety of community-based organizations, such as non-profits and educational institutions, to become host sites for up to four vehicle households.

About Tiny Homes

We are excited to show off our 2013 Salsa Box Design as a tiny home to be implemented in The Safe Parking Sites Pilot Program! As more tiny home villages come to be throughout California and the United States, we are excited to start a local Contra Costa and Alameda chapters. If you want to get involved, please come join us April 30th.


Tiny Village Spirit